
How to come prepared for a Gastroscopy?

  • Overnight fasting after 12 midnight.
  • Hypertension tablet , epilepsy tablet or asthma pump ( wherever applicable) should be taken with a sip of water at 6 AM.
  • To reach hospital at 9 AM with all past reports or file and one relative

How to come prepared for a Colonoscopy?

  • 'Peglec' (available at the pharmacy) to be consumed with two liters of water from 6:30-8:30 am and nothing thereafter.
  • Morning at 6 am tea allowed with blood pressure tablet
  • To come to the hospital after passing 5 toilets at 10:30 am with reports of CBC, s creat and s Hiv .pls bring all reports and a relative for the appointment. Any drug or asthma pump used by the patient should be brought also.

Before and after Cataract Surgery?

Medicines to take prior to Cataract Operation
Medicines to take after the Operation