Hypertensive Female with Family History of Glaucoma

Hypertensive Female with Family History of Glaucoma
Male with Blurring of vision in both eyes
October 9, 2019
Male presented with pain Abdomen and Jaundice
Male presented with pain Abdomen and Jaundice
October 11, 2019

Hypertensive Female with Family History of Glaucoma

Hypertensive Female with Family History of Glaucoma

A 52 years old diabetic, hypertensive female with family history of glaucoma ( called as " mitho zamar" in gujarati) to her grand mother and 2 elder sisters. Patient had no symptoms as it was diagnosed on routine eye check up. Intraocular pressure was 20 in both the eyes. Angles were open as showed below. Green colour in the picture below shows normal optic nerve but on doing perimetry, it showed visual field defects, right eye ( black coloured). Once turned black means that the loss is permanent. It cannot be reversed. So our aim in such cases of glaucoma is to stop further loss and save as much as we can. Patient has been put on anti - glaucoma drops and pressure maintained around 15 mmhg with regular follow ups.

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